Commemorating the Birth Anniversary of Galileo Galilei

Commemoratives Day Department of Physics

The program started with the welcoming of teachers and students of final and second year. A final year student enlightened the gathering about the life and achievements of the great scientist in the field of physics through her speech. A group of second year students performed a skit on the challenges and obstacles that scientist Galileo had to face to express his modern ideas to the orthodox society. This conveyed a strong message and motivated the viewers. Subsequently, a quiz competition on astronomy was conducted. The quiz consisted of 20 MCQs, the questions were displayed on the screen and students had to mark their answers on the given answer sheet. The program was concluded by thanking all.

Date of programme: 15-02-2021

Venue/Platform: Room number – 42

Number of participants: 90

Name of Organising Secretary/Convener(s):

  1. Annie Mathew, Head of the Department of Physics
  2. Sofia, Assistant Professor
  3. Student coordinator: Aahnika S (III BSc-PCM)